Motion GFX
Want sweet animation? I got you.
Aconcagua Brand Introduction
CLient: aconcagua
Brand introduction video to promote new company.
Adobe After Effects CC, Adobe Illustrator CC, Adobe Premiere Pro CC, Ableton Live 10
Fresh Ink Case Study
client: fresh ink marketing
Case study video highlighting how Fresh Ink Marketing has helped clients.
Adobe After Effects CC, Adobe Illustrator CC, Adobe Premiere Pro CC
CertaPro CertaOne Explainer
Client: Certapro Painters
Explainer video for CertaPro new service launch.
Adobe After Effects CC, Adobe Illustrator CC, Adobe Premiere Pro CC
House Pixel Games Kickstarter Video
client: House pixel games
Kickstarter video to raise funds for new video game from House Pixel Games.
Adobe After Effects CC, Adobe Illustrator CC, Adobe Premiere Pro CC, Ableton Live 10
Merix Interest-Only Flex Mortgage Explainer
client: merix financial
Explainer video for new service created with 24-hour turnaround.
Adobe After Effects, CC, Adobe Illustrator CC, Adobe Premiere Pro CC